Starting your blog

Creating a blog is more of a responsibility than a mesmerizing adventure. Since the advent of the World Wide Web, people have used the platform to share their thoughts and feelings. It has been a boon for artists who wanted to showcase their talents. There are cookery blogs, finance blogs, movie blogs, sports blogs and everything else you can think off. Apart from individuals, almost all businesses have used the medium to communicate with their clients. The mode of communication is more informal and also allows the readers to register their comments and thoughts.

You can create an amazing blog to get in touch with people who might be interested in your product. The connection can even be used to sell a service or a product on an international level. Unlike a website, the readers will have the option to contact you 24×7. Thus, managing a blog is not a piece of cake. Only a person with acute determination and commitment can run a successful blog, or the web destination will die just like thousands of ignored websites. Let’s understand the process of blog creation.

Choose a blogging platform

Decide on the best blogging platform per your requirements. As of now, WordPress is the biggest and most trusted blogging software admired by new and veteran bloggers alike. They provide countless ways to design and modify a blog with numerous plug-ins and add-ons. With more than eighty-two million users, the blogging host should be your first choice irrespective of your goals. There are many other imitators but their services are not worth mentioning.

However, you should know about the two alternatives for WordPress. Blogger is one of the much-respected blogging software with a decent market share. Whereas, Tumblr is a mix of social networking and blogging activities for a niche of users. Still, we will provide some reasons to choose WordPress.

It’s free for all and pretty easy to use. The free themes hold great value and the support system is highly admired. You can create a beautiful and functional blog while interacting with your readers.

Free or paid blog

Before going ahead, you will have to make a crucial decision. Make sure you undergo a healthy contemplation over the choice between a free and paid blog. For beginners, it is best to go with free hosts like Tumblr, Blogger, and WordPress. They allow you to test the water before commencing serious blogging.

But there are some negatives too.

It has often been claimed that free blogs addresses, their URL, are not attractive. For instance, the name of the website will be Moreover, free blogs come with few limitations too. You cannot upload any and every media file on the blog while the monetizing options are also finite. You may not be able to access all the modification options and the amazing premium WordPress themes.

A self-hosted blog.

A self-hosted blog offers significantly more control and flexibility than free blogging platforms. When you choose a self-hosted option, you purchase your own domain name — ensuring its availability through tools like whois Lookup — and secure web hosting services. This setup allows you to fully customize your site’s appearance and functionality. Ideal for serious bloggers and businesses, a self-hosted blog helps establish a professional online presence. You can install custom themes, plugins, and tools to enhance your site’s performance and user experience. Additionally, a self-hosted blog allows you to monetize your content through ads, sponsored posts, and e-commerce features, making it a versatile and powerful platform for growth.


Designing a blog is the most fun part. You can either buy a theme from many theme specific websites or go to Appearance then Themes to choose a free WordPress theme. It’s better to install a theme that looks friendly and professional at the same time. You can also switch between templates without losing your work.

Use a theme that does justice with your blog subject and your personality. Always create a user-friendly design which allows readers to explore the blog easily.


Blog creation is a legitimate art with little technical involvement. Do not judge yourself in the initial attempts as you are bound to make mistakes. There are hundreds of recourses that can be used to improve your product. Invest time in perfecting the look and functionality of your blog before indulging in promotional activities.